Accessing your Account Settings
Your preferences are accessed by clicking the upper-right Profile icon and then clicking Account Settings.
This will take you to your Account Settings menu where you will have access to a number of sections.
Note: Users with the Customizer permission set will also see the Tables & Fields settings.
Although you will be able to view the screen, a user without administrator permissions will only be able to request to their admin they want a subscription.
If you do not have administrative access, you will be unable to view this page. To edit your email preferences, go to your User Profile instead.
This section details allows configuration for notification reminders sent out when an Activity assigned to them is coming due.
Reminders can come via email and SMS. By default, email reminders are turned on and SMS reminders are turned off.
- If you choose to deactivate email reminders, no email will be sent to remind this user of an upcoming activity.
- If you choose to activate SMS reminders, you’ll need to provide your mobile phone number and provider. Your provider might charge you for incoming texts from Method, depending on your personal plan.
Selecting “Other” as your provider will give you the ability to manually enter your SMS gateway domain. Use this functionality if you’re experiencing issues with our preset providers.
SMS gateway domains differ between providers; the formatting is as follows:
[your phone number]
@[gateway domain]
Example: ““